Advanced Leadership Training for ALL Scout Leaders!
May 1-3, 2026 and May 16-17, 2026
Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals. Scouters from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, Explorers, and district and council Scouters are all welcome and belong here.
- Listening Skills
- Managing conflict
- Leading change
- Stages of team development
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Leadership for different stages
- Servant leadership
- Project planing
- And more!
These come to you in presentations, games, discussions, activities, and other methods.
You want to particioate in a Wood Badge course because of the things you will learn and do. Here are some of the benefits:
- Stronger Units. You will make your Scouting unit -- and you sons' and daughters' units -- stronger.
- What and why of Scouting. You will have a deeper understanding of what Scouting is and why we do it.
- Experience. You will learn and experience things that will stay with you in Scouting and the rest of your life.
- Fun! You will have fun and you will meet interesting people.
- Other groups. You will make your other groups, like work, church, and even family, stronger.
This course will help you better understand how all the Scouting programs tie together. It will provide you with many useful leadership tools to help enable our youth to have the best possible Scouting experience. There is no better time to attend a Wood Badge course and make a difference in your unit than when you are a Cub Scout leader.
Wood Badge is designed to meet the advanced leadership needs of all Scouters, particularly unit-level Scouters, such as Cub leaders, Scoutmasters and assistants, Venturing Crew Advisors, Committee Chairs, and additional members serving Scouters at the district and council levels. To attend a Wood Badge course, individuals must:
- Be a registered member of Scouting America. Youth participants 18 and older may attend as long as the appropriate Youth Protection guidelines are followed. They do not need to be registered in an adult leadership role.
- Have completed the basic training courses for their scouting position.
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All participants are required to complete the annual Health and Medical record form.
- Current YPT and AB 506.
Course Regular Price: $330.00.
If you would like a payment plan a deposit of $60 is required to hold your spot and full payment is due before the end of the day, April 1, 2026.
Late Fee Starts March 23, 2026.
Registration closes on April 1, 2026.
Questions? Contact Course Director James Jones.
Flyer Full Payment Payment Plan